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Pack A Punch With Robust Cheap Brass Knuckles

There is an inherent liking among weapon enthusiasts for ancient artifacts. Brass knuckles are one of the oldest weapons ever created, with their origins dating back to the 5th Century. You can find examples of brass knuckles being used in Roman times. And fast track to the American Civil war, the knuckle duster was still very much in use. Nowadays, they have developed a whole different reputation, and cheap brass knuckles have been modified. With more robust materials, more colors, and structures, you will find a hoard of options out there.

Are Brass Knuckles Effective Weapons?

It is a reasonable question to think whether Cheap Brass Knuckles are, in fact, as good as they seem. The simple issue design and strength of the metals allow you to pack quite a punch with knuckles. There are some techniques that you can learn to make brass knuckles effective weapons.

  • Holding the knuckle in your hand and closing your fingers to punch someone can hurt them badly. The knuckle adds force to your punch and protects your hands. The hardened metal contact with bony areas like the face, shins, or elbows can cause muscle disruption.
  • If you get tackled, you can use a brass knuckle to punch someone in the softer parts of their body. Hitting your attacker's stomach and or the back of their necks can immobilize them.
  • Anyone who tries to grab you from the neck or hair can be taught a lesson with brass knuckles. You can punch the side of their head or their nose, and they will immediately let go. The force of the knuckle can trigger extreme pain in your nerve sensitive areas.

The key to using brass knuckles effectively is to learn where you need to channel your strength. If you master some basic moves, real brass knuckles can save your life.

Are There Other Uses of Brass Knuckles?

In the recent decade, brass knuckles of all kinds have made a huge comeback. Surely, self-defense can’t be the only reason behind it. There are multiple ways to utilize and use brass knuckles that are usually not considered. Young people especially have developed a liking for them and for varied reasons.

  • Fashion statement – one of the primary justifications for the popularity of brass knuckles is accessorizing. You can find a whole genre of decorative, ornamental, rainbow brass knuckles that are meant for styling. Musicians, artists, fashionistas; they've all included brass knuckles in their wardrobe and accessories.
  • Ornamentation – other than using them as badges and buckles, brass knuckles are also delicate ornaments. They are placed on the hood of cars and motorcycle plates to spruce up the vehicles. 
  • Interior décor – since most brass knuckles are made with chunky metals, they are quite heavy. That has led to the widespread use of brass knuckles paperweight as an interior design piece. You can buy brass knuckles to decorate your study or lounge and use them to brighten up your interior space. 
  • Camping and Survival tools – it might seem odd, but brass knuckles are long-lasting tools. If you are in the woods or extreme weather conditions, they are ideal survival tools. They can help you pound meat, break off wood for the fire and even fend against wild animals. The making of knuckle dusters allows you to save your energy and inflict force on something else. 
  • Emergency tool – brass knuckles protect your hand during punching, so you can use them to break the glass. If you get caught in a fire, they will break a window easily. If you get trapped in a claustrophobic space, you can bust yourself or someone else out.

Where To Buy Brass Knuckles In the USA?

There are multiple sources that will provide you a selection of brass knuckles. Even with their growing likeness, brass knuckles aren't available everywhere readily. In every locality, they are typically found in places such as belt-buckle stores or blacksmiths. But if you want the fun, decorative variety, you might have to put in some leg work.

The best place to source ideal brass knuckles is online stores. You won’t have to look around and struggle with limited choices. To find a concise variety of knuckles that appease all tastes, there are many products available online.

Brass Knuckles For Collection And Everyday Use

It has been established that brass knuckles have diverse functions that make them ideal weapons and tools. If you are convinced of their versatility, you should buy brass knuckles to see yourself. No matter why you buy one, there are some great options for brass knuckles for sale out there.

  • If you want something to add a little color to your study, get the Cardinal Revenge Titanium Paperweight Knuckle. It has a chromatic color gradient that will be a sparkly texture added to your interior space. 
  • Accessories are the perfect items to showcase your personality. If you want to accentuate your style, you can buy the Blessed Blood Pure Knuckle. The matted gold and the small red crosses add a layer of character to your look. 
  • Collecting brass knuckles as artifacts is a real hobby. For weapon lovers, finding a quirky knuckle is more challenging with the limited stuff in the market. The Blood Splatter Knuckle Buckle is a colorful addition to your accessories or your collection. 

All these cool brass knuckles and dozens more are available at PA Knives. With prices as low as $3 per knuckle, you can buy as many as you like without worrying about money.